NOTICE: Cards ordered for Valentine's Day might not be delivered in time for the holiday.

Assorted Sets

"A wedding is an absolutely wonderful occasion, full of love, laughs, tears, hugs, kisses, joy and more than a little nervousness and trepidation. The perfect wedding, where the perfect pair becomes a legally loving one, requires careful planning and meticulous arranging. Because a wedding just isn't the formal church or civil ceremony itself, where the happily betrothed couple exchange formal vows; it's also bridesmaid, groomsmen and usher arrangements, gift registering, dinner reservations, rehearsals, bachelor and bachelorette parties, dress and suit fittings and buying excursions, catering, hall and church bookings, reception organizing, travel and accommodations arranging, and … sending out lovely wedding invitations to the agreed-upon chosen list of special friends, family members and coworkers who the bride and groom would love to see at and share in their super-special day of wedded bliss. Well, on that final count, The Best Card Company has the wedding party covered in gorgeous glory, no need to worry.

The Best Card Company's Assorted Sets of Wedding Blank and Invitational cards feature fabulous, fashionable footwear, in fine style. These terrific ten card sets display women's and men's shoes to charming, classy and colorful effect. On these fantastic Wedding greeting cards, bowed and beautiful high heels and spike heels are stunningly pictured festooned with fancy flowers or paired with sparkling handbags or handsome men's formal shoes and loafers. And all of the pretty missives of marital announcement come complete with comely brocaded, lace and sequined interior stripes. Any perspective wedding guest will be delighted to receive any one of these foot finery invitation cards, portraying as they do appealingly tender and touching, toe and ped poignantly matched sentiments reflective of two ecstatic sole and soul-mates fitting together to make the perfect marriage for the long-term."