NOTICE: Cards ordered for Valentine's Day might not be delivered in time for the holiday.

Jumbo Cards

"The history of Valentine's Day is as epically murky, mysterious and unexplainable as the essence of true love itself. It's conjectured that the concept of V-Day goes all the way back to the Roman mid-February fertility festival of Lupercalia. From there, the hearty tale becomes convoluted with the martyrdom of a pair of saints, allegedly both named Valentine, by a 3rd century Roman emperor, the duo executed apparently on February 14th. It is fully known that a Catholic Pope proclaimed February 14th as Saint Valentine's Day in 496; but this day was more about Christian spirituality than anything romantic. The idea of Valentine's Day as a day for lovers, and potential romantic partners, slowly evolved, mainly in Great Britain - to the point where V-Day is now celebrated with cupids, cards, candies, plush toys, gifts, meals and song and dance, as we know it today. It's come a long way, baby.

The Best Card Company's Valentine's Day Jumbo Card collection is big on beautiful love and large on laughing good cheer and goodwill, with some super, sultry, spicy displays of sexy thrown in, too. If you want to express your true amour for a special someone, there are cards in this vast selection that allow you to do just that in grand good taste and fine style, featuring as they do: chalkboard declarations of ""I Love You"" festooned with lovely and colorful flowers; cute kittens and adorable puppies hugging red hearts as they proclaim charming warm and fuzzies; and penguins, polar bears, chess pieces, owls, ladybugs, fingers, hedgehogs and lovebirds locked in the enchanting embrace of Eros. And if you prefer to mix your immense lovey-dovey with a sweet dose of humor, there are magnificent missives showcasing punny and funny pears, tomatoes, tea bags, gnomes, olives and bees. There's something for everybody on your Valentine's Day card-gifting list right here, in other words and images. Because these tremendous giant greetings can even be used to show your enormous, platonic affection and adulation for a special family member, treasured friend or cherished coworker."