NOTICE: Cards ordered for Valentine's Day might not be delivered in time for the holiday.

Jumbo Cards

"When you appreciate the fine friendship of someone special so much that it pains you when they leave you alone, when you're so close to a coworker or relative that your heart aches at their absence, when your soulmate/husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend temporarily traveling away from you crushes your spirits - then you need to take some action to alleviate your debilitating symptoms of loneliness and buoy up the spirits of that wonderful person who's missing you as much as you're missing them. And one great way to do that is by sending them a large, loving, laughing greeting card of giant goodwill and great feelings from The Best Card Company's Miss You Jumbo Cards collection. They'll get your massive message of enormous affection and towering tenderness and be epically uplifted by it, for sure.

Be it a treasured BFF, cherished colleague or really awesome relation who you're immensely missing because work, illness or some other reason has separated you and them, there's an appropriate and amazing oversized card for your and their cheering in this vast and varied selection. These mammoth missives of meaningful miss you feature: BOO the world's cutest dog looking adorably downcast with a dark cloud over its red and white fuzzy head; a brown and white puppy lamenting the absence of its owner; a funny punning brown owl, bunch of purple grapes and red and green ketchup bottle; and a beautiful bouquet of pretty flowers on a parchment background adorned with lovely blue and orange fluttering butterflies. Whether it's just you individually or the whole gang, office or family collectively that misses somebody super, The Best Card Company has one and all's touching and humorous sentiments covered there too, big-time."