NOTICE: Cards ordered for Valentine's Day might not be delivered in time for the holiday.

Jumbo Cards

"Mom does so much for everybody within the family. She's a teacher, a medicine woman, a mentor, a guidance counselor, a traffic cop, a friend, a shoulder to cry on and a pair of arms to hug in triumph. Mom can be tough, tender, honest, sentimental, humorous, serious, a show-woman and an efficiency expert. She can do it all, and wherever your mother is, is home.

So, on Mom's big special day of well-earned celebrity and celebration don't skimp on your display of huge appreciation and affection for the wonder woman who plays such an extra-large role in your life. Whether she's your mama, stepmother, mother-in-law or grandma, show her your massive love by gifting the great lady one of the giant cards of good cheer and grand feelings from The Best Card Company's Jumbo Card collection.

Mother's Day was officially established in the United States in 1914, the second Sunday in May set aside as the day to recognize and reward mothers for all that they do for the family and for society as a whole. Buying Ma some candy, chocolates or perfume, taking her out shopping, to a show or to brunch or dinner, are all fine ways to pedestal the perfect matriarch. But nothing truly conveys your incredible gratefulness for being lucky enough to have such a one-of-a-kind mommy than an immensely moving and enormously lovely card. Like any of the oversized greetings in this super-sized selection. Beautiful, colorful, glowing roses, irises, tulips and sunflowers are on vivid, vibrant display on these great cards, along with gorgeous birds, peacock feathers, perfume bottles, kittens, shoes, Boo the world's cutest dog, and sensational, heartfelt, charming sentiments. Your mother will love receiving any one of these tremendous cardboard maternal tributes, almost as much as you epically love her."