NOTICE: Cards ordered for Halloween might not be delivered in time for the holiday.

Single Cards

"You and your colleagues, workmates, associates or coworkers expect and appreciate praise from your supervisor, foreperson, team leader or department head when you do a good job. So, too, your Boss should be recognized and rewarded with kudos when they do a great job in making your workplace, office or job site a high-performing, well-functioning, pleasurable place to be employed. And while it's not within your job description or duties scope to give a super Boss a promotion or pay raise, you can give them a charming, cheering, cardboard salute with any of the Thank You Boss Single Cards in this colorful, pat-on-the-back collection. It's not brown-nosing; it just makes good work environment business sense.

An excellent Boss, exemplary workplace leader, amazing manager, superior supervisor or dandy department head makes a huge difference in terms of everybody's job satisfaction and morale. A Bosslady or Bossman with tremendous interpersonal skills, an executive, partner or section supe who really personally cares about the workers under their charge and makes an effort to keep everyone happy, is worth their weight in corporate or company gold. They can make business a pleasure. And so these super-special bosses with winning personalities and awesome on-the-job human resource talents should be shown some epic and touching gratitude, given a big round of applause, via any of the beautiful, boosting, laudatory, praise-worthy greetings in this superlative selection. Bright, bold, lovely flowers, balloons and nametags are all creatively and artfully used to get across your warm workplace message of heartfelt appreciation and gratefulness for one boss Boss."