NOTICE: Cards ordered for Valentine's Day might not be delivered in time for the holiday.

Single Cards

"Graduating from school, university, community college or an academy, whether in-person or online, is a significant event in anyone's life. It represents not only stunningly successful academic achievement, but also the bright beginning of new challenges and opportunities out in the real world beyond the ivory gates of academia. It's a big deal for the grad and their families, friends and classmates, in other words; requiring an awesome Congratulations Graduate greeting card to further reward and recognize the scholastic star and wish them well as they embark upon their journey into the work-a-day world. Look no further for your Happy Graduation missives of admiration and applause than this colorful, creative, cheering, super-student-centric collection of celebratory cards.

These Graduation Single Cards are bursting with intelligent design and smart humor, featuring as they wisely and wittily do: BOO, the world's cutest dog; fashionable femmes clad in black gowns sitting atop the globe and stacks of books; sweet tweets old school owl style; punny bees buzzing with hilarity and uplifting messages; and lions, tigers, dogs, panthers and bears waving congratulatory signs and spreading kudos and confetti as they cruise around in classic limousines. To single out but a few of the amazing academic accolade greetings fit for the high achiever.

Whether it's your son, daughter, wife, husband, partner, nephew, niece, cousin, next-door neighbor, favored store clerk, or a special friend's or coworker's offspring who's graduating, make sure you award them one of the gorgeous, glorious and garrulous Graduation Congratulations cards from this superb, scholarly selection to show your delight and happiness at their success. Anybody who's worked long and hard to earn a diploma, degree or certificate deserves a big cardboard pat on the back for their educated efforts, and best wishes from you as they begin the next stage of their life."