NOTICE: Cards ordered for Valentine's Day might not be delivered in time for the holiday.

Jumbo Cards

"An Anniversary is a big, huge, giant, epic occasion. Marking the (wonderful) time that you and your significant other, or any other happily married couple, have been together calls for extra-large, super-sized celebration, whether it's a milestone 1st, 5th, 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th or any special date you choose Anniversary. One great way to commemorate the blessed event when two became blissful one is to gift your loved one, or that loving couple, an oversized card of tender and tremendous tribute. Like any one of the gargantuan good-times greetings in this massive and magnificent collection.

Whether it's your husband or wife or partner that you want to thank for all the wonderful times you've so far had together, or it's a delightful duo who you as a relative, friend, workmate or gang want to shower with happy honeymoon-on applause, there's a gorgeous notecard for every glorious Anniversary occasion in this mammoth and marvelous assortment. Dogs, cats, birds, giraffes, ladybugs, elephants, raccoons and frogs are front and center, along with lovely flowers, scrumptious cakes, colorful rainbows, big blue-sky floating lettered and numbered balloons, and glittering, shiny pearls, topaz, diamonds, emeralds, rubies and gold. All the significant Anniversary dates such as First, Firth, Tenth, Twentieth, Thirtieth, Fortieth, Fiftieth and Sixtieth can be commemorated in fine, fun and loving style using these size-large, stirring and stunning togetherness missives. They represent a warm and winning way to wish your beloved, or both of the charmed pair, an amazing, incredible, ginormous Happy Anniversary! Don't settle for less. You didn't on your wedding day, after all. "